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RANDOLPH, NJ — The Randolph High School competition cheerleaders met recently at the home of the Louro family, to create individual sanitary kits to provide soap, washcloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes and more to children in poverty-stricken areas, to prevent many diseases and illnesses. Clean the World is an organization that takes partially used soaps and other products from hotels and recycles and sterilizes them to repackage and send to those in need. Rather than throwing out these products, they are used to keep children in impoverished areas throughout the world clean, which has saved many lives.

Pneumonia and diarrheal disease are two of the leading causes of death among children under 5 years old. According to the World Health Organization, millions of youngsters can be saved with access to bar soap and hygiene education. In the U.S. alone, more than 2 million bars of partially-used soaps are thrown away each day. Guest Supply, the company where Mr. Louro works, is the global leader in providing amenities to hotels, such as soap, shampoo, and towels. They have implemented a program to collect used soaps and more from hotels, in addition to donating products to Clean the World.

“It’s amazing that something we take for granted like soap can make such a huge difference in so many peoples’ lives," said Captain Jess Freund. "I’m glad the team was able to participate in such an innovative and worthwhile charity.” Captain Taylor Stoia added, “I’m so proud that we can all band together to make such a difference in the world! Making the kits was so much fun, it barely seemed like work. I’m so thankful to be on a team that makes the best of every opportunity that comes our way! Our 'Ramily' is truly amazing!”

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Randolph RAMS Cheerleading

© 2016 Randolph High School Cheerleading Booster Club, Inc.

Randolph Junior RAMS Cheerleading

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